Friday, May 25, 2012

The Paradigm Demurred: Part III- “Then I too will share in this disobedience.”

The universe is extremely complex, and seeps into many different dimensions, several of which are incompatible with one another.  Sometimes, the energy frequencies of two divergent dimensions begin to overlap, thus eradicating each.  To ensure the continued survival of all living things, the Vorae were created.  The Vorae exist as spiral points of energy, effectively separating our plane of existence with those lying pendulously over it.  Fueled by the energy of emotion, the energy of life itself, these perpetually sustained, spinning vortices are the only thing keeping the physical and nonphysical realms from slamming together in a cosmic cataclysm. 
Since before the evolution of the consciousness of man, it was realized that there would be those who would try and disrupt the natural balance, bringing universal chaos to all living things.  There arose a need for stability, and thus, the Savem were born out of this desire.  Beings sworn to ensure the natural order, they defend these universal pillars, sacrificing their own aspirations for the good of all that is.  They exist in both the physical and nonphysical planes, each set carrying out their own mission.    

Monday, May 14, 2012

I'm a Piece of Shit: Confidence Through Cognitive Dissonance

Here's a short, (very) personal essay I wrote not that long ago.  From the deepest depths of despair, a new light will begin to shine, and lead you down a road you never expected.  Be open to all things- this is the essence of the Plastic Experience.

Recently I discovered a power so great, I wondered why it is not being readily taught in public schools.  I may go so far as to say it is the power of kings.  Oh, it’s available to you, if you want it badly enough, and it’s not even really that difficult to attain once you know what to do.  So what is this power of which I speak?  To sum it up in one word:  confidence. 
            It is a common mistake to assume the world operates as you operate.  To put one’s values and expectations on another, and then stand in bewilderment as that person does something completely unexpected.  In my instance, I believed everyone really wanted to be a nice person, and do the right thing.  In this naïve state, I considered the needs of everyone around me, and did my best not to offend.  For some reason, this would attract the attention of those that would try to dominate and humiliate me.  Why?  What I was doing was thinking of them, and yet they punished me for this?  As it turns out, the message I was sending out was “everyone else is more important than I am”, though it would not be until years later that I came to this conclusion.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Paradigm Demurred: Part II- "Brandon Cho, I've come for your life."

 “Brandon Cho, I’ve come for your life.”
            Those words echoed inside Brandon’s skull, foreign intent overriding his own will.  He couldn’t accept what was happening and his mind had all but shut down.  Though he tried to fight it, his body seemed to be in compliance with what the being desired.  He couldn’t move, scream, or even communicate with this shadowy figure. 
            “A demon?”
            Having no idea what this thing was that had gotten into his apartment, he thought back to the stories of demons that his parents had told him about to scare him as a child.  In Korean folklore, they were usually tricksters that would occasionally take the form of humans, by wearing their skin, to plague the living.  His parents had called them “Agma”, the Korean term for demons.  There had been several instances in Korean mythology recording these demons speaking without moving their mouths.  The very same form of communication as the being standing before him.  So the stories were true, and the Agma had finally come for him. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rude Service

I wrote this story during the time in my life when I worked at a fairly prominent resort hotel.  Most of the things that happen in here are true, with the names being changed to protect the (not so) innocent.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss, and when it comes to food service, that's pretty much a given.  So without further adieu, I present  a short one-act play based on my experiences in the food and beverage industry entitled "Rude Service".  Enjoy.

Setting:  Room service department of a major hotel.   


Troy:  An incorrigible young man who hasn’t got a clue.  Somehow, no matter how dimwitted his actions, he almost always remains unscathed.  The same cannot be said for those in his immediate vicinity, however.

Dane:  A bit of a square, Dane is always looking out for his friends.  Dane is a hard worker, and believes in people.  It is common to find his naiveté landing him in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Paul:  A strange guy, with few friends.  Paul always seems to make comments that annoy others, but he seems oblivious.  Often comes off as “holier than thou”.

Yolanda:  The manager on duty, she is rather lazy, and commands little respect.  Flirting with employees further depreciates her, as she demonstrates her low self-esteem.  Has a crush on Dane, though it is not returned.